One Click At a Time: Technology Empowered Family Medicine Podcast

Disrupting Health Care and Teaching Tech

Episode Summary

We talk about why tech needs to prioritize individual relationship in health care in order to impact it, and we continue our conversation around education and onboarding!

Episode Notes

Articles discussed in today's podcast: 

  1. Glaser, J.,  Vaezy, S., Guptill, J., (2024). Why the Tech Industry Won’t Disrupt Health Care.
  2. Adelman, J. S., Applebaum, J. R., Schechter, C. B., Berger, M. A., Reissman, S. H., Thota, R., Racine, A. D., Vawdrey, D. K., Green, R. A., Salmasian, H., Schiff, G. D., Wright, A., Landman, A., Bates, D. W., Koppel, R., Galanter, W. L., Lambert, B. L., Paparella, S., & Southern, W. N. (2019). Effect of Restriction of the Number of Concurrently Open Records in an Electronic Health Record on Wrong-Patient Order Errors: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA321(18), 1780–1787. 
  3. Kannampallil, T. G., Manning, J. D., Chestek, D. W., Adelman, J., Salmasian, H., Lambert, B. L., & Galanter, W. L. (2018). Effect of number of open charts on intercepted wrong-patient medication orders in an emergency department. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA25(6), 739–743.